Erosion control is a top concern for construction projects across multiple industries. There are many practical erosion control solutions. Using new vegetation as part of a slope stabilization strategy is an effective means to safeguard soil from erosion problems. Vegetation and Slope Stability Are Interrelated
There is a strong correlation between vegetation and slope stabilization. Knowledge of underlying slope stability issues related to the soil type, slope age, compacting, and geography can impact how vegetation can alter slope stabilization. The major ways that vegetation helps slope stability are through water removal and root reinforcement. New Vegetation Prevents Erosion by Removing Water Oversaturated soil can trigger erosion and landslides. Plants improve and help slope stabilization by removing water from the soil. This process is called transpiration. Transpiration occurs when plants, trees, and other foliage depletes the soil of moisture. This natural process delays the onset of saturation and runoff. Firmer Soil From Root Reinforcement Root systems physically reinforce soil and resist erosion. The root system of plants and shrubs binds and restrains soil particles when faced with rain and stormwater runoff. Roots mechanically support the strength of soil particles and increase how they withstand erosion. What type of new vegetation is best? Vegetation helps stabilize slopes in several ways. Native species can help when revegetating or enhancing slopes adapted to the native soil, hydrology, and weather. Facts to consider when selecting a type of vegetation for your construction project:
Surface soil erosion is a problem for many construction projects. New vegetation is one slope stabilization technique that can help prevent soil erosion. The effectiveness of any new vegetation on a site will be based on several elements of the project. Soil and Slope Stabilization With Envirotac Environmental Products & Applications, Inc. can help save you time, money and provide peace of mind on your construction site. Contact us to find out how Envirotac can help reduce the costly problems caused by ineffective erosion control. Comments are closed.