Erosion control is vital to the well-being of a construction site. Successful erosion control ensures a safe and healthy construction site and surrounding community. But erosion control measures can vary by cost and effectiveness, so it's essential to choose the best erosion control method. Keep Your Construction Site Safe With Effective Erosion Control
Erosion poses a threat to the environment due to sediment runoff. This runoff pollutes storm drains and streams, causing immediate health and safety concerns for employees and the community. Failure to observe careful erosion control methods can lead to costly litigation and fines. How To Choose The Best Erosion Control Method For Your Construction Site Several factors cause soil erosion, so there are different approaches to erosion control on construction sites. Below are 7 of the best methods for erosion control and the benefits they offer a construction site. 1. Articulated Concrete Blocks Articulated concrete blocks are revetment systems used to form a grid of units to act as a slope. They help erosion control by managing water runoff. 2. Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls MSE Walls have replaced many traditional concrete retention walls. For erosion control, MSE Walls offer ease and speed of installation over concrete walls. 3. Soil Nails Soil nails provide resistance against slope failures and can be installed relatively easily. Once installed, these soil nails provide erosion control on a construction site by creating a barrier that resembles a retaining wall. 4. Geotextiles Construction projects such as roads, pipelines, and embankments often use geotextiles for erosion control. The type of geotextile used depends on the construction project and application. 5. Riprap Riprap is a frequent method of erosion control in areas of concentrated runoff such as lakeshores. Synthetic geotextile is placed under riprap to prevent soil displacement on a construction project. 6. French Drains A French drain is an underground piping system that channels surface and groundwater to an exit point. Through a French drain system, excess water is transported away from the construction site. 7. Dust Control Products Dust control is an effective method of erosion control for construction sites. One of the most long-lasting dust control methods is polymer alternatives such as Envirotac dust control products. Envirotac is made of acrylic polymers that interact with soil particles and increase compression strength. Evirotac provides first-class erosion control on all construction sites. Erosion Control That's Right for Your Construction Site Environmental Products & Applications, Inc. can help save you time, money and provide peace-of-mind on your construction site. Contact us to find out how Envirotac can help reduce the costly problems caused by ineffective erosion control. Comments are closed.